Read the Publications that we published during July-August 2024:
- “Network Slicing for eMBB and mMTC with Finite Blocklength Codes”
- “Waveform Design for Over-the-Air Computing under Sampling Error”
- “Embedded Intelligence in Internet of Things Scenarios”
- “A Reinforcement Learning-Based Reverse Auction Enforcing Smart Pricing Policies towards B5G Offloading Strategies”
- “Beyond 5G Networking: The Case of NANCY Project”
- “PHaul: A PPO-Based Forwarding Agent for Sub6 Enhanced Integrated Acess and Backhaul Networks”
- “On the Performance of RIS-Assisted Networks with HQAM”
- “Breaking Orthogonality in Uplink With Heterogeneous Requirements and Randomly Deployed Sources”
- “Spectrum Sensing with Deep Clustering: Label-Free Radio Access Technology Recognition”
Also, check the complete list of our Publications!